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Special Events for Winter 2:

Performance Day - Saturday February 8


Performance Day - Facebook Link


Ice Show - Saturday March 22

1:00 - 3:00 pm


Cancelled Dates for Winter 2:

Friday, January 17 (PM ONLY)

Friday, February 14 (PM ONLY)

Monday, Feb 17 - STAT Holiday (Louis Riel Day)

Friday, March 7 (PM ONLY)


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Skate Thompson

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"A Pair of Skates is all it takes"

Skating Equipment Video 


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  Skate Thompson 

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 Skater Privacy Code  New for the 2024-25 Season


Skate Thompson has been chosen as one of the proud recipients of the Jumpstart’s Sport Relief Fund to help sport and recreation organizations build back sport and play in Canada.

We are grateful to receive this funding to help our 2021-22 season.  




Skate Thompson

See you on the ICE!!