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Skate Thompson Safety & Discipline Policy

In order to maintain the highest standard of safety on the ice and to ensure adequate working conditions for all skaters, it is expected that all skaters will abide by the following rules. These rules will be enforced reasonably by the ice captain on duty and by the coaches. Any infraction may warrant an initial warning. Any serious infraction will result in a skater being suspended for the remainder of the day. 

1. All skaters need to be aware of their surroundings and respect everyone on the ice.

2. Soloists and then skaters in a lesson have the right of way.

3. All skaters need to be aware of their surroundings and respect everyone on the ice.

4. To prevent accidents, skaters must keep moving during all skating sessions. When a fall occurs, skaters are encouraged to get up immediately

5. While on the ice, skaters are to avoid disturbing other skaters’ in a lesson.

6. When skating away from the boards, pay attention to oncoming skaters.

7. Communication between skaters and coaches has priority on the ice at all times. Social conversation between skaters on the ice, and between skaters on the ice and spectators in the stands, is to be avoided.

9. If you fall, get up immediately. THIS IS A SAFETY ISSUE.

10. Skaters should strive to be on time for practices and lessons.

11. If a skater is unavoidably absent he/she is to notify his /her coach and, as soon as possible the session coordinator.

12. Do not leave valuables of any kind in the dressing rooms. Skate Thompson cannot assume any liability for loss. 

13. Skaters must receive permission from a coach to leave the ice during a session. 

14. Kleenex must be disposed of properly in a garbage container.

15. Guards must be worn off the ice to protect the blades. 

16. Dressing rooms must be cleared of any debris after each session.

17. Skater’s apparel, hairstyle, make-up and jewellery/adornments must at all times, take into consideration safety, freedom of movement on the ice and Skate Thompson's image. Skate Thompson reserves the right to have skaters leave the ice if their apparel, hairstyle, make-up, jewellery or adornments are deemed unsafe, restrict movement or present a negative image of Skate Thompson.

18. Skaters in arrears of payment (including professional coach’s fees) will not be allowed on the ice or to take skating tests, participate in skating competitions, take part in the Skate Thompson Ice Show, OR take part in any Club activity

19. Inappropriate language on or off the ice (in the dressing room) will not be tolerated. 

20. Skate Thompson will not be responsible for any injuries sustained during the skating seasons. 

Ice Etiquette 

1) Courtesy 

First and foremost is courtesy. It is essential to respect the rights of other skaters and be constantly aware of who is around you. If you seem to be surrounded by skaters of significantly greater or lesser skills, be especially careful! Strive to avoid collisions! 

2) Right of Way Guidelines 

a. Please keep your head up and be aware of yourself on the ice. Right of way goes to the skater who doesn't see the potential for a collision: We all try to give way to a skater performing their solo and then to a skater in a lesson. A soloist can be identified by the skater wearing a bright sash/ribbon and skating to music. 

b. Lessons: Skaters are often looking at their coach when they would otherwise be looking around the ice. Attention is divided. Please do not disturb skaters in a lesson.  

c. Programs: Complicated choreography and fatigue make it more difficult to avoid collisions. Learn to listen to the music and know which music goes with which skater. At times soloists will be identified by wearing something bright such as a ribbon, please respect their skate and move out of their way.

d. Spins: You can't see anything when you're spinning. Never skate close to a spinning skater, even if your music is playing. Always give spinners enough space to change positions into a camel spin (e.g. don't skate close to a sit spin because it may not be a sit spin anymore when you get there). 

e. Competitions/Test Days: During the week prior to a competition or test session, skaters competing or testing will have priority over those not competing or testing. 

3) Know where skaters are likely to jump – Lutz Corners 

Avoid standing, spinning or teaching in the Lutz corners or near the boards where edge jumps will take place. Remember that the approach to a Lutz is long and blind. The skater doing the Lutz is not likely to see you. 

4) Falls and Injuries 

If you should fall get up quickly. Remember that the other skaters will have a much harder time seeing you when you are down low on the ice. Don't stay there any longer than you have to.  If you see someone else is that has fallen and may be injured, don't just drag them off without being certain that doing so won't hurt them further. If you suspect that someone is seriously hurt, the best thing to do is, 

  1. Have someone stand "guard" over them to make sure that other skaters avoid collisions with them; and
  2. Get a qualified adult to come and help them. A blanket or warm-up jacket/sweatshirt laid over them might help to keep them warmer while waiting for a qualified person help to arrive. 

5) Don't try to run or hide

Trying to "outrun" a faster skater won't help you get out of the way. Skate in a direction other than their path of travel while keeping them in your line of sight. And, hiding doesn't work. Trying to stay out of the way by only skating at the end of the rink or near a corner is not effective. The most "out of the way" place on the ice is on the red dot smack in the center. Skating only at one end along the hockey lines or in the corner makes it difficult for others to jump. 

6) Don't Stand Around 

Keep moving at all times. Refrain from standing around and visiting on the ice. This wastes expensive ice and presents an additional hazard for other skaters to avoid. 



Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct for Parents/Skaters
Skate Canada works to ensure a positive, meaningful and enriching experience for all who participate in skating. We strive to create a welcoming sport environment for its members built on the values of fairness, excellence, inclusion and fun.

Skate Canada is committed to raising awareness and improving Safe Sport initiatives throughout the organization.
Agreement: Skater and Parent Commitment and Code of Conduct
1. Skate Thompson skaters are expected to promote a positive image of Skate Thompson in the skating community at all times and to represent Skate Thompson Skating Club in a respectful, self-disciplined manner both on and off the ice.

Speak positively about Skate Thompson and our skaters

2. Work cooperatively and courteously with Skaters/Parents and Coaches for the purpose of ensuring a positive skating environment.

3. Non-payment of Club fees will result in the withdrawal of skating privileges.

4. No food, gum, candy or glass containers are permitted on the ice surface. Alcohol/drugs are forbidden in all club activities. Abuse of this will result in expulsion.

5. Pushing, tripping, horseplay, intentional interference with other skaters, or profanity may result in the expulsion of the offending skater. Parents are responsible for their child’s conduct.

6. Everyone MUST leave the ice during a flood, and promptly at the end of each session.

7. Inappropriate and disrespectful behavior by Skaters and/or Parents to coaches, club officials or Skate Thompson representatives may result in temporary or permanent suspension from Skate Thompson.

8. The music area is a working space. Please respect the club volunteers, space and equipment. 

9. Videotaping or photography of skaters during practices and simulations is only allowed of done by the skater’s own coach or parent unless approved by the Board of Directors.

10. Bullying, victimizing, harassing (sexual or otherwise), impersonating, vandalizing or theft will not be tolerated. Disciplinary action may include suspension or expulsion.

11. All skaters are to display good sportsmanship and encourage all skaters’ enjoyment of skating.

12. The Program/Session Coordinator is the ultimate on-site authority in relation to the enforcement of regulations/rules  of conduct/policies. The final authority on the interpretation of these regulations/rules of conduct/policies is the Skate Thompson Board of Directors.

13. Concerns are to be directed in writing to the Board of Directors.


Respect fellow skaters, coaches, volunteers and




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Skate Thompson

See you on the ICE!!